Location   Workshops and Events
Date issued:2008-08-07


Conference Announcement & 1st Call for Papers

International Workshop on Emission Trading ProgramsPolicy Innovation and Business Opportunity

Conference Venue: NJU-JHU Chinese-American Culture Center, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China

Conference Time: November 09-12, 2008


The application of economic instruments is the latest development and trend in environmental policy reform and innovation. Emission trading, one of the most effective environmental economic policies, is being used effectively in addressing regional pollution problems and global environmental issues. During the 11th Five-Year Plan, with the urgent targets of energy-saving and emission reduction, the Chinese government has been actively developing the emission trading system. In this context, Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning, Ministry of Environmental Protection and School of Environment, Nanjing University, are jointly holding the International Workshop on Emission Trading Programs.


The main objective of the conference is to exchange domestic and international experiences of using market-based tools and emission trading policy in the arenas of water pollution control, air pollution control and climate change. On the other hand, policy suggestions will be provided in applying market-based tools in pollution reduction and enhancing its efficiency in China.

2Conference Organizer

Organizer & Host:       Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning, MEP

Co-organizer & Host: School of Environment, Nanjing University

Sponsors:                  Research Centre for Sustainable Development, CASS

Asian Development Bank

Environmental Defense

Chicago Climate Exchange

Professional Association for China's Environment

Institute of the Environment and Economy, Peking University

Chinese Society for Environmental Economics, CSES

Tianjin Emission and Climate Exchange Co. Ltd.

Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange Co. Ltd. (TBD)

Beijing Environment Exchange Co. Ltd. (TBD)

Jiaxin Emission Banking and Trade Center

3Invited Speakers

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Environmental Protection (TBD)

Dr. LiU Bingjiang, Deputy Director-General, Department of Total Emission Control

Prof. WANG JinnanVice President, Chinese Academy of Environmental PlanningMEP

Department Director, Jiangsu Province Government

Mr. PAN JiahuaProfessorResearch Centre for Sustainable Development, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Prof. ZHANG Jianhua, Institute of Financial Research, the People's Bank of China

Mr. Brain J. Mclean, Director, Office of Atmospheric Program, USEPA

Mr. Sam Napolitano, Director, Clean Air Markets Division, Office of Atmospheric ProgramUSEPA

Official in charge of Water Quality Trading Project, Office of Water Program, USEPA

Environmental Directorate, OECDTBD

Dr. Richard L. Sandor, President, Chicago Climate Exchange

Dr. YANG Hongwei, CDM Project Management Centre, National Development and Reform Commission

Mr. CHEN Hua, Vice president, China CDM Fund, Ministry of FinanceTBD

Prof. BI Jun, Deputy Dean, School of Environment, Nanjing University

Dr. ZHANG Zhongxiang, The East-West Center, USA

4Conference Arrangements


COD emission trading programsSO2 and NOx emission trading programsglobal climate change and carbon trading


Around 150 persons, with more than 30-40 from other countries. Most of them will be from environmental research institutes, governments, NGOs and companies.


Chinese and EnglishSimultaneous translation provided

Conference Cost:

No registration fee need. Conference will cover all the cost except for accommodation and transportation.

5Call for Papers

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