Location   Workshops and Events
Date issued:2008-02-26


Schedule for the Second CCICED TF Workshop on

Policy Mechanism towards Successful Achievement of

 The 11th Five-Year Environment Targets


October 24-25, 2007 Beijing


  Day 1       Opening

09:00 – 09:30   Opening; speeches by Mr.Zhang Lijun (Deputy Administrator of SEPA), other invited leaders of government departments concerned, and Chief Experts of CCICED

                   Chairperson: Mme. Wang Jirong, TF Co-Chair


Session 1

09:30 – 11:00  Problems, situation and outlook on pollution reduction in the “11th Five-Year Plan” period

              Moderator: Mr. Brendan Gillespie

              (Presentations will be given by Mr.Wang Jinnan and representatives from SEPA, the Environment and Resources Committee of the People’s Congress, and NDRC)


10:30 – 11:00   Discussion and tea break


Session 2     

11:00 – 12:00   Design of pollution reduction scheme and policy study

              Moderator: Mr. Zhao Hualin (Director, Pollution Reduction Office, SEPA)

              (Presentations will be given by Chinese TF members and experts)


12:00 – 14:00   lunch


Session 3

14:00 – 15:50   International experiences on pollution reduction

              Moderator: Prof. Hao Jiming

              (presentations will be given by Mr. Brendan Gillespie, Mr. Jeremy Schreifels, and Mr.Wit Siemieniuk based on their submitted reports and by an Japanese expert)

15:20 – 15:50   Discussion and tea break


Session 4

15:50 – 17:30   Pollution reduction – case study and local practice

              Moderator: Mr. Brendan Gillespie

(presentations will be given by selected line industries and local EPB)


17:10 – 17:30   Discussion and tea break




17:30 – 18:00   Summing up by Mme. Wang Jirong and Mr. Brendan Gillespie

              Chairperson: Mr. Wang Jinnan


18:00 – 19:30   Dinner


Day 2

Internal meeting of TF members (both international and Chinese) and supporting expert team.

Revision/modification of the TF report and discussion on the policy recommendations



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