Date issued:2020-08-24
Survey and Assessment Technology of Lake in US and Its Revelation for China Lake Environmental Management
Gao Zhiyun, Chen Xiaojuan, Wen Yi, Xu Yanxue, Sun Hongliang
Chinese Journal of Environmental Management 2020
Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp. 18-23
Since 2006, US EPA has carried out the national lake survey and assessment in the mainland for twice. US national lake assessment used three approaches to assess lake condition, which were biological condition, suitability for recreation and trophic state of lake, and aimed to figure out the biological condition of national lake and the rank of key stressors affecting biological condition. US EPA has developed comprehensive lake survey and assessment system, which includes a large set of hydrological, chemical and biological indicators. The system has become an essential part of US lake environmental management system and provides strong support for the lake environment protection and the restoration of aquatic system. In this paper the key technical methods of US lake survey and assessment are overviewed from the inventory establishment, field sampling and assessment method, so as to provide reference for China lake environmental protection and management.